General information about company | |
Scrip code | 513517 |
Name of the entity | STEELCAST LIMITED |
Date of start of financial year | 01-04-2015 |
Date of end of financial year | 31-03-2016 |
Reporting Quarter | Yearly |
Date of Report | 31-03-2016 |
Risk management committee | Not Applicable |
Annexure 1 | |||
Annexure 1 | |||
III. Meeting of Board of Directors | |||
Sr | Date(s) of meeting (if any) in the previous quarter | Date(s) of meeting (if any) in the current quarter | Maximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days) |
1 | 27-10-2015 | ||
2 | 28-01-2016 | 93 | |
3 | 17-02-2016 | 20 | |
4 | 26-03-2016 | 38 |
Annexure 1 | ||||||
IV. Meeting of Committees | ||||||
Sr | Name of Committee | Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the relevant quarter | Whether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No) | Requirement of Quorum met (details) | Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the previous quarter | Maximum gap between any two consecutive meetings (in number of days) |
1 | Audit Committee | 28-01-2016 | Yes | All members were present | 27-10-2015 | 93 |
2 | Audit Committee | 26-03-2016 | Yes | Two Members were presence | 56 |
Annexure 1 | |||
V. Related Party Transactions | |||
Sr | Subject | Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) | If status is �No� details of non-compliance may be given here. |
1 | Whether prior approval of audit committee obtained | Yes | |
2 | Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPT | NA | |
3 | Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit Committee | Yes |
Annexure 1 | ||
VI. Affirmations | ||
Sr | Subject | Compliance status (Yes/No) |
1 | The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 | Yes |
2 | The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 a. Audit Committee | Yes |
3 | The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Nomination & remuneration committee | Yes |
4 | The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. c. Stakeholders relationship committee | Yes |
5 | The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 100 listed entities) | NA |
6 | The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilities as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. | Yes |
7 | The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. | Yes |
Annexure II | ||||
Annexure II to be submitted by listed entity at the end of the financial year (for the whole of financial year) | ||||
I. Disclosure on website in terms of Listing Regulations | ||||
Sr | Item | Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) | If status is �No� details of non-compliance may be given here. | Web address |
1 | Details of business | Yes | | |
2 | Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors | Yes | | |
3 | Composition of various committees of board of directors | Yes | | |
4 | Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel | Yes | | |
5 | Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy | Yes | | |
6 | Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors | Yes | | |
7 | Policy on dealing with related party transactions | Yes | | |
8 | Policy for determining �material� subsidiaries | NA | ||
9 | Details of familiarization programmes imparted to independent directors | Yes | | |
10 | Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances | Yes | | |
11 | email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details | Yes | | |
12 | Financial results | Yes | | |
13 | Shareholding pattern | Yes | | |
14 | Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates | NA | ||
15 | New name and the old name of the listed entity | NA |
Annexure II | ||||
II. Annual Affirmations | ||||
Sr | Particulars | Regulation Number | Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) | If status is �No� details of non-compliance may be given here. |
1 | Independent director(s) have been appointed in terms of specified criteria of �independence� and/or �eligibility� | 16(1)(b) & 25(6) | Yes | |
2 | Board composition | 17(1) | Yes | |
3 | Meeting of Board of directors | 17(2) | Yes | |
4 | Review of Compliance Reports | 17(3) | Yes | |
5 | Plans for orderly succession for appointments | 17(4) | Yes | |
6 | Code of Conduct | 17(5) | Yes | |
7 | Fees/compensation | 17(6) | Yes | |
8 | Minimum Information | 17(7) | Yes | |
9 | Compliance Certificate | 17(8) | Yes | |
10 | Risk Assessment & Management | 17(9) | Yes | |
11 | Performance Evaluation of Independent Directors | 17(10) | Yes | |
12 | Composition of Audit Committee | 18(1) | Yes | |
13 | Meeting of Audit Committee | 18(2) | Yes | |
14 | Composition of nomination & remuneration committee | 19(1) & (2) | Yes | |
15 | Composition of Stakeholder Relationship Committee | 20(1) & (2) | Yes | |
16 | Composition and role of risk management committee | 21(1),(2),(3),(4) | NA | |
17 | Vigil Mechanism | 22 | Yes | |
18 | Policy for related party Transaction | 23(1),(5),(6),(7) & (8) | Yes | |
19 | Prior or Omnibus approval of Audit Committee for all related party transactions | 23(2), (3) | Yes | |
20 | Approval for material related party transactions | 23(4) | NA | |
21 | Composition of Board of Directors of unlisted material Subsidiary | 24(1) | NA | |
22 | Other Corporate Governance requirements with respect to subsidiary of listed entity | 24(2),(3),(4),(5) & (6) | NA | |
23 | Maximum Directorship & Tenure | 25(1) & (2) | Yes | |
24 | Meeting of independent directors | 25(3) & (4) | Yes | |
25 | Familiarization of independent directors | 25(7) | Yes | |
26 | Memberships in Committees | 26(1) | Yes | |
27 | Affirmation with compliance to code of conduct from members of Board of Directors and Senior management personnel | 26(3) | Yes | |
28 | Disclosure of Shareholding by Non-Executive Directors | 26(4) | Yes | |
29 | Policy with respect to Obligations of directors and senior management | 26(2) & 26(5) | Yes | |
Any other information to be provided - Add Notes |
Annexure II | ||
III. Affirmations | ||
1 | The Listed Entity has approved Material Subsidiary Policy and the Corporate Governance requirements with respect to subsidiary of Listed Entity have been complied | NA |
1 | The Listed Entity has approved Material Subsidiary Policy and the Corporate Governance requirements with respect to subsidiary of Listed Entity have been complied | NA |
Signatory Details | |
Name of signatory | Chetan M Tamboli |
Designation of person | Managing Director |
Place | Bhavnagar |
Date | 14-04-2016 |
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